Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Shot 6, 3 stills

Animations (not sure how else to illustrate this list?)

Prematurity which may be brought on by preterm labour from  infections in pregnancy,

Birth asphyxia and congenital abnormalities - caused for example by syphilis

And newborn sepsis

Notes from Peter Jackson:
“Asphixia >>> show a line drawing of baby - blue baby
Congential abnormalities --- Go with spina bifida
Your own interpretation of one of these line drawings showing the protrusion on the base of spine
See here:

newborn sepsis---- temperature chart or Thermometer over baby, line drawing
Baby looking feverish -- unhappy prone baby - arms out, floppy”



1 comment:

  1. An asphyxiated baby will look blue and floppy,this one has both knees drawn up. All the Green backgrounds don't look so nice.In fact baby 3 looks more floopy than baby 1
    Babies 1 and 3 look disproportionate...howver 3 is supposed to have congenital abnormalities.
    Can we have a baby like picture 2, who is blue and flopping for birth Asphyxia (of course without the protrusion from the spine.
